In October 2021, as a partner of the OECD Forum, GCOA brought together experts for a virtual dialogue on the topic: “Investing in Health Innovation for OECD Ageing Societies: Models for Healthier, Active, and Fiscally Sustainable 21st-Century Ageing.” More than 20 cross-sector, cross-discipline global stakeholders discussed the health and economic imperatives for new solutions that enable healthy ageing, including representatives of the Japanese government, private companies, patient groups, and researchers.
The roundtable identified promising pathways for OECD countries to galvanize new innovations to predict, prevent, and address age-related health challenges, mitigate the costs of these challenges, and ensure fiscal sustainability in a world of more old than young. While the roundtable participants were clear on the importance of access and reimbursement for healthy ageing in OECD societies, it was emphasized that innovation for new and much-needed solutions, including therapies, vaccines, digital technologies, and models of care, must first be realized.