Gamification is a relatively modern process that is steadily immersing itself in the rapid acceleration and advancement of modern technology. The principles behind gamification, stem from its ability to sell a product or brand more effectively using meta games to help involve customers on a more engrossing level.
These playful experiences, more commonly known as meta games, are used by gamers on the internet as well as on mobile phone devices. The meta games are designed to appeal to those who would not normally associate themselves with gaming formats and thus the greatest challenge is to make meta games universal within differing demographic groups. As already mentioned, the principles that lie at the heart of the gamification concept are concerned with selling a product and brand to its maximum potential and reaching a broad customer base.
Determining the success of a new product can prove problematic as there are a number of factors which could affect the performance of a brand or product. Consumers are faced with more choices than ever and this makes it harder to predict success. There are a number of strategies in place which can help short term interest in a product, such as creative advertising, but short term interest is not the priority for a new product. This is where gamification and meta games can help play a significant role in encouraging long term interest.