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the access strategy program
in digital health 

payment options 

DHV-NET is incorporated in France. Registered  Address 229 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris. Immatriculation au RCS, numéro 909 397 793 RCS Paris

Discount available until 09.09.24

Credit card payment: Please select the correct category above as this affects VAT status. Please note that registering as a representative of a legal entity requires a tax identification number (0% VAT for organizations outwith France) whereas registering as an individual attracts VAT at 20%. Payment by wire transfer: Please fill in the form below to receive an invoice for payment by wire transfer. Refunds: If notified 72 hours notice prior to the start of your first session, 80% of the cost will be refunded if payment has been made by card and 90% where payment has been made by wire transfer. We will refund  90% of  your fee if dissatisfied after your first paid session. Enquires to

Wire Transfer

Please use the form below to register for payment by wire transfer. If available, include your discount code. We will confirm receipt, pricing and VAT by email and if acceptable to you, we will send an invoice with details on how to pay by wire transfer. Payment is required in advance of course commencement.

wire transfer Form 

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